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The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Masturbation: 7 Tips to Manage Compulsive Behaviors

by EjaGuard Delay Spray 22 May 2024
An image of non-explicit masturbation with the title of guide to overcoming masturbation. By EjaGuard

If your masturbation habits are out of control, these tips should help!

Masturbation is a natural and healthy aspect of human sexuality.

While masturbation has its advantages, it can have negative effects if it disrupts your daily activities.

In this article, we will explore methods to help you manage your masturbation habits and break the cycle of compulsive sexual behaviors.

Do You Have a Problem with Masturbation?

Masturbation is a very normal part of our sexual health. As a pleasurable way to release tension, experience self-pleasure, and explore our sexuality, masturbation is a common sexual behavior that both men and women enjoy from time to time.

However, problems can arise if your masturbation habits dominate your everyday life. In this case, you may be dealing with compulsive masturbation, a sexual addiction that can negatively impact your mental health.

Compulsive masturbation happens when you:

  • Have an uncontrollable urge to masturbate
  • Skip your daily activities, planned events, work, or school to masturbate
  • Plan your day around when you can have alone time to masturbate
  • Use masturbation as a tool to regulate your mood (i.e. when you're feeling sad, frustrated, or angry)

Common Side Effects of Excessive Masturbation

Excessive masturbation, also known as compulsive or chronic masturbation, can lead to a range of side effects – from physical discomfort to social distress and potential mental health issues.

While the experience of compulsive sexual behaviors varies from person to person, certain side effects are often associated with this issue.

These include:

  • Skin irritation
  • Genital swelling
  • Social isolation
  • Lowered self-esteem
  • Stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions
  • Inability to connect romantically with a sexual partner
  • Failure to complete necessary daily tasks
  • Disinterest or disengagement in previously enjoyable activities
  • Feelings of shame or guilt toward sexual behaviors
  • Possible development of a masturbation addiction

How to Stop Masturbating

If your masturbation habits are spiraling out of control, we're here to help.

Here are 7 effective tips for managing compulsive sexual behaviors to assist you in stopping masturbating.

1. Cease Watching Pornography

The initial step toward recovering from compulsive masturbation is to discontinue watching pornography.

Often, porn serves as a natural trigger that prompts us to masturbate, even when we may not be in the mood or mindset for sexual activity.

Sex expert and clinical psychologist Dr. Nazanin Moali notes that pornography employs visual stimuli that activate our brain's 'reward pathway.' Compared to our sexual fantasies, this immediate stimulation fosters a heightened need for sexual pleasure.

If you're concerned about succumbing to temptation, consider using porn-blocking software to restrict and filter any explicit images or links containing pornographic content on your phone or computer. 

2. Fill the Void

When we decide to 'quit' one habit, it's crucial to establish new habits in its place.

By filling the void with positive, productive activities, we can redirect our energy away from old patterns.

One highly beneficial activity for replacing masturbation is exercise!

Regular exercise offers both physical and mental health benefits. Like masturbation, exercise triggers the release of feel-good endorphins, boosting mood and promoting relaxation.

Next time you feel strong sexual urges to masturbate, consider going for a walk outdoors, hitting the gym for weightlifting, or joining friends for recreational sports.

3. Stay Present in Your Personal Relationships

While masturbation is a natural aspect of our sexual health and well-being, it becomes problematic when it leads to canceling plans with friends, rescheduling events, or even avoiding sexual activity altogether.

Clinical psychologist and sex expert Dr. Jenny Taitz emphasizes the importance of recognizing negative patterns associated with masturbation, such as avoiding physical intimacy or emotional connection with others.

Prioritizing relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners is essential for addressing compulsive masturbation. By investing more energy into healthier connections with others, we reduce the likelihood of turning to masturbation as a coping mechanism for boredom, stress, or loneliness.

4. Take One Small Step at a Time

Breaking habits or making changes often benefits from starting with small steps.

Each small positive change you implement can boost confidence and maintain motivation, aiding in your efforts to abstain from masturbating.

For instance, instead of aiming to quit masturbating altogether immediately, begin by delaying it to a specific time later in the day. Then, gradually extend the duration without masturbating, aiming for one day at a time until you can go a whole week.

With each milestone achieved, you'll establish valuable new habits that support your ultimate goal of overcoming compulsive masturbation.

5. Limit Alone Time

Reducing the time spent alone is crucial for maintaining focus on stopping masturbation.

As masturbation typically occurs in the privacy of our homes, excessive alone time can increase opportunities for engaging in this behavior.

Inform your friends of your desire to spend time together after work, visit family members, or pursue new hobbies – anything that distracts your mind from compulsive thoughts or behaviors related to masturbation.

6. Be Kind to Yourself

When we're trying to quit a habit or change behavior that feels out of control, it's common to experience feelings of guilt, frustration, or shame when setbacks occur. However, dwelling on these perceived 'failures' often fuels the cycle and makes it harder to break free.

Practicing self-compassion is crucial for our mental well-being and for creating lasting positive change. Acknowledge that progress isn't always linear, and allow yourself to keep moving forward even after setbacks.

7. Be Willing to Ask For Help

When we find ourselves struggling to regain control over our thoughts or behaviors, holding ourselves accountable for change can feel daunting.

Being open to seeking help when needed is a positive step toward overcoming out-of-control sexual behavior.

Consulting with your doctor or other wellness professionals can aid in identifying triggers for masturbation, developing strategies to modify behavior, and staying on track through challenges and successes.

Therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy have been effective in treating compulsive masturbation.

For those who prefer privacy, numerous online support groups offer a platform for individuals to share experiences, find understanding, and discover encouragement on their journey.

What Happens When You Stop Masturbating

When you cease masturbating, numerous physical, mental, and emotional changes occur.

Initially, in the first few days, you might encounter mood swings, increased stress, heightened arousal, and even a slight urge to masturbate. However, these feelings will gradually diminish with time. Eventually, you may notice the following benefits:

  • More happiness and optimism
  • Greater self-control and willpower
  • Increased sexual energy and stamina
  • Lowered levels of stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Boosted confidence and self-esteem
  • Increased memory and focus


  • Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality, so long as it does not interfere with your everyday life
  • Compulsive masturbation is an excessive sexual behavior habit that can impact your physical and mental health over time
  • Some of the most effective strategies to help you abstain from masturbating include avoiding pornography, exploring productive outlets to fill the void of masturbation, remaining present in personal relationships, taking smaller steps, limiting alone time, being kind and compassionate to yourself, and being willing to seek support when necessary
  • Once you control your masturbation habits, you will feel happier, more confident and even experience a healthy sex life!
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